Monday 22 July 2013

The Bird Watching Expedition

Today started early, at 6am in fact with a 5.30am alarm, which is not my favourite start to the day but early morning is when all the action happens. We left the dorm and the birds were definitely awake. We exited Meifeng Farm and walked along the road and the great thing about getting up early was the sky was so clear so you could see further than the day before. We walked down a track and final found some birds we could see but they quickly disappeared into the tree. The guide told us this time of year is actually to worst the go bird watching because it is summer and the foliage is thick and the birds are breeding so they are extra secretive because they do not want to give away the location of their nest. I found the birds of Taiwan a little disappointing they are little cute, Australia have better ones and they and bigger and more colourful. Though I did have a lovely walk through the farm and Taiwan has definitely got bigger and more beautiful butterflies than Australia.

In the afternoon we were actually lecture by a Canadian man but he was from French Canada so even I struggled a little with the accent but he did a great lecture on organic farming. I always organic farming unachievable on a commercial scale and the produce was smaller and damaged. Though he made it sound possible. He also discussed composting with seafood. Up until now I thought compost heaps should have no seafood or meat in them but apparently not.

In the night we when insect watching and star gazing. I really wanted to see an owl but we didn’t. Anyway the guide had a whole PowerPoint display in the greenhouse and all there were beetles to play with and a vine full of caterpillars and cocoons, it was really cool and just not what I was expecting, I contently underestimate this course!

9th July
A touch of Aboriginal Culture

Today we meet two native Taiwanese people and learnt about the Aboriginal hunting techniques. It started in the class, there we all tried on traditional aboriginal clothes and I thought I looked very good in a traditional bright red skirt but I don’t think it would be warm enough for the mountains. Then we ventured outside and the native Taiwanese showed us some hunting traps. They were very good designs and I think the aborigines wouldn’t go hungry much.

After lunch we left Maifeng farm and when to another farm and pick only two grape tomatoes. We arrived too early for the tomato picking season so we could only pick two tomatoes each but that was ok, two was enough to taste the flavour, it was just funny. Then continuing on with aboriginal culture theme and when and saw some aboriginal style houses. I really like them and you could imagine people living in them. And then we were back in the bus and off again to discover more of Taiwan.


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