Thursday 27 June 2013

Taipei from above

Today was my best day in Taiwan so far. We climbed Mt Qixing and saw a birds eye view of Taipei. At the peak it was blowing a gail as you can tell in the photo but it was very refresh after sweating your ass off on the hike up. Then on the descend there were holes in the rocks that release sulphur gas and deposit yellow crystals, and that really got my geological nerd senses going. But it smelt so bad (sulphur does make rotten egg gas) and you could really inspect the crystals will out being stink out.

After we visited in hot springs in Beitou and they were so beautiful. The springs are around 90 C and the pH of the water when it firsts bubbles from the cracks in the earth is 1.2 - 1.6. That is so low that if it touched your skin is would burn through to the bone. The low pH therefore dissolves the rocks and I got a good photo of that.          

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