Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Cicada buzz

I got a strangle sense of home today as I first heard the buzzing cicadas as I opened my bedroom window. I guess it was a just a reminder that I'm just a little further north in Pacific and home is not as far as you think. I was further reminded of home on when we visited the sea, a lot of the creatures are very similar but I think Australia has a nicer shoreline. The Taiwanese shoreline is a maze of ugly concrete but I guess its to protect it from typhoons. In a country of this size you cannot afford to have an erosion problem.

I also saw a temple up close today. The designs are also detailed and the colours are so bright but it does kind of look like the place is made out of play dough from a distance. I hope we learn a little about religion in Taiwan or at least about how they make the decorations!
This is part of the temple design ( I have to find out what village were in.)

This is the view from my dorm window. I live on the twelfth floor. I thought it looked so cool how the sun was beaming through the clouds.  


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